Welcome to the first in this years A-Z April Blogging Challenge! Today’s ingredient is Artichoke, and this recipe if a brand new one for me. I made it for dinner today and it went over really well. It’s called Twice Baked Spinach and Artichoke Potatoes, follow this link to get to the original post on Paleo Running Momma’s blog.

Basically you bake your potatoes, scoop out the insides and mix them up with a pile of goodness! Spinach, artichoke, onion, garlic, coconut cream, nutritional yeast etc. Oh did I mention that this recipe is Whole30 compliant, paleo and dairy free?? I’m not strictly following any of these diets at the moment, but they are useful tags to use when you’re trying to eat healthier. Which is something I’m definitely working on.

One thing I wanted to point out about this recipe for anyone who is going to try it out is the original recipe says to use the guts from 3 potatoes and then fill in the two halves of four potatoes total. I found however that when following the recipe my mix became way too liquid-y after adding the coconut cream. So I ended up adding in the insides of the 4th potato anyways to thicken back up. So either use 4 potatoes or go easy on the coconut cream.

Another tip just in case, if you’ve never used coconut cream before, don’t worry! The finished product doesn’t taste anything like coconut. I use coconut milk as a substitute in tons of recipes and my husband hates coconut! He was pleasantly surprised to find a dairy free way to make things creamy and delicious that is also health conscious and tastes great!

That’s it for today’s recipe, tomorrows ingredient is Butternut Squash and as per usual there is a prize waiting here for anyone that can guess tomorrows recipe!

Photo by JACKELIN SLACK on Unsplash

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